Image for A Snap Shot of Easing Restrictions Throughout Each State

A Snap Shot of Easing Restrictions Throughout Each State

May 21, 2020

Regardless of which State you are in the following are required of all businesses:

  • Ensure you have completed your COVID SAFE Government Checklist, sign it and display it in your business. Ensure you are implementing all the requirements and you have signed this form.  Your APAN COVID SAFE POLICY KIT is an excellent guide to assist you in this process.
  • You need to ensure you have an updated client database.
  • Contact your local council if you are unsure about any specifics.
  • If you believe there is a business that is not abiding by the restrictions please refer them to your local Council as non-compliance comes under their jurisdiction.
  • Any other queries please call APAN.


Stage 1: Friday 15th May Queensland salons have been permitted to offer basic beauty services including grooming services such as waxing, tinting, manicures and pedicures, but no skin penetration procedures or laser skin treatments.  However, laser hair reduction is permitted. Please ensure you have your COVID SAFE Checklist displayed together with your APAN COVID Safe Policy Kit. Ensure your database is up to date. 

10 people permitted at any one time for beauty therapy and nail salons (with COVID SAFE Checklist).  Again, check the APAN COVID SAFETY POLICY KIT is also implemented.

Stage 2: Friday 12th June further services will be allowed including tanning, tattooing and spa treatments. 20 people permitted to be in one place at this time, but with social distancing.

Stage 3: Friday 10th July A maximum of 100 people will be permitted for beauty therapy, tanning, nail salons and spas, tattoo parlours and non-therapeutic massage services.

Further information on the Queensland Roadmap:

You will need to display your COVID SAFE CHECKLIST.  Please use the APAN COVID SAFETY POLICY KIT to help you meet all the requirements.

You can access the government checklist here


If you are a Northern Territory salon or clinic certain services are allowed to be delivered as part of State 2.  We have included the link here to allow you to view the various stages.

As of Friday 15th May, beauty therapy salons can resume their services to offer (non-facial) treatments, such as nails, massage and tanning.

As of Friday 5th June, previously restricted services can be resumed and provide beauty therapy and cosmetic services including facials.

For further details:

All businesses will require to complete a Safe Plan Checklist and indicate how they are implementing the requirements.  The APAN COVID SAFE POLICY KIT has outlined how you can achieve this.


Phase 3 – Dates are currently not available however they will be finalised in the coming weeks.

At this stage, it is anticipated that personal care services and beauty therapy will be permitted to operate.

The current minimum requirements that will need to be in place for re-opening are:

  • Maximum of 20 people per venue (excluding staff)
  • Comply with conditions outlined in the COVID Safety Guidelines — please read these before completing your plan
  • complete a COVID Safety Plan
  • display a COVID Safety Plan Certificate in a visible location on the premises — this is included in the plan (include the APAN COVID SAFE POLICY Kit)

COVID Safe Guidelines

COVID Safety Plan


Stage 1: Hairdressers and barbers can remain open provided the total number of persons present does not exceed one person per 4 square metres.

The following businesses are closed:

  • Beauty salons
  • Nail salons
  • Tattoo parlours
  • Beauty therapy or body modification services
  • Saunas, bathhouses and wellness centres
  • Spas and massage parlours

Stage 2: 5th June Beauty, nails, tattoo, massage can re-open.


Beauty, nail, tanning and waxing salons and spas are closed except for selling goods and gift vouchers.  Opening date to be confirmed.

Any business that wants to provide mobile services:

  • Must comply with all relevant laws, including work, health and safety and public health laws
  • local council requirements
  • Abide by physical distancing at all times
  • Maintain good hand hygiene at all times
  • Take extra care when visiting those over 70 or those with a pre-existing condition (consider using the available outdoor areas).
    Above all, do not visit even if you have the mildest symptoms.

Spas, nail salons, beauty salons, waxing and tanning services cannot operate, however skincare products can be sold. This applies to any business premises, regardless of whether it operates in a retail outlet or in a private home. The 4 square metre social distancing applies.

Hairdressers and barbers
The 4 square metre rule applies within the premises and personal contact with the customer should be minimised. Either go to the hairdresser or barber alone or with one other person.

Prepare for re-opening – Get your workplace COVID SAFE

Retail area:

Further government references


Current restrictions:

  • Beauty salons (tanning, waxing, nail services)
  • Tattoo and body modification parlours
  • Massage (non-therapeutic)
  • Saunas/bath/spas.

All these services are currently closed.

It is anticipated that Personal services include beauty therapy will be able to open as part of Stage 2 for the ACT, but no fixed date has been confirmed as of this date.

Please review your requirements from this link:

Other useful links are:


Stage 3: restrictions are now in place

Restricted retail facilities include beauty and personal care – must not operate during a restricted activity period. Businesses providing personal care services where there is close contact must remain closed. These include the following:

  • Beauty therapy, spray tanning, waxing and nail salons, spa and massage services providing relaxation massages as distinct from therapeutic or remedial massage
  • Tattoo and piercing services
  • This restriction does not prevent the provision of any health or allied health services.

Hairdressers and barbers are able to operate, but must abide by social distancing within the premises.  Ensure health and skin management measures, as well as ensure their client database is up-to-date.

Website for advice


Currently, all beauty and personal care services are closed.  These include:

  • Massage parlours
  • Spa baths
  • saunas
  • bathhouses
  • wellness centres

However, AHPRA registered practitioners are permitted to perform these services including beauty therapy, waxing, tanning and nail services, ear and body piercing as well as tattooing.

Check with your local council if you are permitted to retail beauty products.

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