APAN's Mission & Vision

APAN pledges to strengthen the reputation of individuals, or businesses in the Aesthetics, Dermal Therapies and Cosmetic Tattooing profession by providing them with accurate, up-to-date information and support. We are passionately commitment to helping you consistently achieve business growth, regulatory compliance, professional development and best practice in an ever-evolving industry.

APAN’s vision is to identify and pursue initiatives that expand the scope of practice and strengthen and elevate the reputation of its practitioners. The ultimate objective is to enhance consumer trust by supporting our practitioners to provide treatment outcomes of the highest standard that are delivered in a caring, safe and ethical manner.

APAN achieves its mission and vision by liaising and negotiating with key stakeholders and exploring strong, collaborative links with:

  • Government and Regulatory bodies for the development of regulations that protect the industry, as well as the appropriate licensing of certain modalities for the safety of consumers.
  • Universities to provide further educational pathways and qualifications to support advance procedures and healthcare practices.
  • Support RTOs to develop post-graduate qualifications and professional development courses to enhance and support currency of skills and knowledge and address technological development.
  • Continued Professional Development (CPD) program was launched in 2018 to enhance the professional recognition of the profession and support the necessity of evidence for currency of knowledge.
  • Trademark protected professional titles through APRAP and CTARP National Registration allows qualified practitioners who meet with the merit criteria to be given exclusive rights to their professional title and achieve their competitive advantage.
  • Liaise with the Media providing accurate industry-specific responses to contentious issues and accurately educate the public on what to look for in a practitioner.
  • Strong networking links with suppliers, assisting them to become aware of regulatory and national standards, as well offer them opportunities to profile their products and services.
  • Establish strategic alliances with leading companies to provide businesses with tools to protect and streamline their business activities at special corporate rates.
  • Compliance documents developed to assist businesses with regulatory compliance.
  • Developing leading conference programs delivering broad-spectrum education including, new research findings, regulation compliance, new technologies, consumer trends, ingredient science and business strategies.

Our Values

  • Do no harm, promote ethical conduct and practices
  • Foster a culture of higher learning to elevate the integrity of the profession
  • Encourage a commitment to excellence and best practice
  • Foster optimism and passion
  • Enrich lives through credible aesthetics and wellness solutions
  • Belief in people and bringing out the very best in them
  • Enhance wellbeing for self and others
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APAN's Manifesto

A public statement that articulates our VALUES and what WE STAND FOR.

  • INTEGRITY is the cornerstone of purpose. If you have integrity you have confidence.
  • TRUTH exposes error, not for the purpose of judgement, but for your protection. It will help you navigate more quickly to where you want to go.
  • UNITY can achieve more than diversity. Be part of something bigger than yourself.
  • CHALLENGES are there to bring out the best in you. Stay focused on the lesson learnt and move forward with greater resilience.
  • KNOWLEDGE opens up new horizons. Invest in credible education – it will empower you and change your life.
  • GENEROSITY keeps you humble and corrects a self-centered focus. One person can make a difference if that one person has faith and commitment in the good that they can bring to this world.
  • LOVE WHAT YOU DO is the secret to longevity and fulfilment. Let your heart and mind work passionately together.
  • PEACE gives birth to positive thoughts, creativity and solutions.
  • NETWORK and grow your circle of influence. Sharing and learning is the key to personal and business growth.
  • CELEBRATE LIFE by choosing love, joy, and nurturing your wellbeing. It will improve the quality of your life and those you come in contact with.

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