Image for QLD Leads The Way To Re-opening

QLD Leads The Way To Re-opening

May 15, 2020

AS SOME QUEENSLAND BUSINESSES are getting ready to re-open, we are thrilled for you. We have had numerous conversations with many of you and we were pleased to bring confirmation and clarity to you on how you can navigate this new season of your business.

Just a few words of support and advice around the upcoming transition periods –  if you haven’t had an opportunity to jump online and check out our COVID SAFE Kit – definitely do yourself a favour, as we have done all the heavy lifting for you and it is ready to go, just in time for you to open the doors as and operate under Stage 1 restrictions!

As part of the government requirements, it is necessary that all “beauty” businesses have a COVID SAFE Plan and Checklist in place.  Most importantly from a business perspective, you need to ensure it is carefully implemented (not just signed and hung on the wall). 

Please ensure that both you and your staff are implementing all requirements, as you will be responsible for undertaking treatments in line with these government and industry guidelines.

In addition to the above, make sure your client database is up-to-date and easily accessible, as this is also a mandatory requirement and essential if an outbreak occurs and is an imperative part of contact tracing.

A few other things to remember is that is no one-size-fits-all solution – so aside from the baseline requirements, you can most certainly establish your own protocols on when what and how regularly you will be implementing your safety plan. Please take the initiative and assess the risks within your business environment and personalise YOUR Plan to maximise how it can best work for you.  For example, a salon with one person will have different risks than someone with eight staff.  If you are working with our COVID SAFETY KIT this will help make the process easier as it fleshes out the process as well as industry best practice.  

Another important point is to treat the Kit like a ‘living document’ which you can use to guide you. As we are dealing with an unprecedented pandemic, things are changing rapidly and it will be necessary to review it weekly, add or amend any updates and ensure you and your staff’s compliance and accountability towards maintaining the highest standards and best practice in your salon or clinic.    You will also need to ensure your signs and decals are clearly displayed and social distancing is maintained.

Stage 1 restrictions also mean that walk-in appointments are not allowed and that any clients seen and treated must provide their full details. 

It is your responsibility to communicate the new protocol requirements to ALL of your clients so they understand what to expect and how you will be operating, going forward.  This will also help to reassure your clients that you are not only committed to their safety but that you, your staff and business meeting both Government standards, as well as industry best practice.  We have also included sample wording and social media artwork within your kits that you can customise before sending out to your clients.

While APAN has moved swiftly to develop the COVID-19 SAFETY KIT, with the new government requirements, this kit has now been updated to provide greater support, assisting businesses to fine-tune their implementation process with greater ease, thus ensuring the protection of both their staff as well as their clients or patients.

All APAN members who have requested the KIT will receive it for FREE and it is also available to non-members for $55.  If you have not yet requested the kit, please contact us for a copy and we wish you all the very best with preparing for your upcoming reopening.

If we can be of further assistance with these strategies please contact us, we are here to help.

Standard and regulations are our areas of expertise. Now more than ever you need more than an opinion.

Phone ? 07 55930360
Email ?:
Or you can purchase a copy here:

Go with our blessings and have an amazing week of work.

Standing with you always,
The APAN Team

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