Image for Tell Not Sell

Tell Not Sell

April 14, 2020

WHILE THERE HAS BEEN A rush of advice to reach out to your clients and sell, sell, sell products and skincare to them, there is another side of the coin that needs to be considered.  Why? Because you are now laying a new foundation through your changed interaction with your clients, so before you proceed it is important that you clearly define your objectives, as there will be consequences to what you achieve with these changes.

We understand that it was great that many clients were happy to stock up on their skincare before, or even just after you closed your doors for face-to-face services as on-going cash flow is important. However, take note of how you proceed from here, as what you communicate with them will shape their behaviour and how they will value your expertise and their association with you.

There is a great deal of talk to sell DIY strategies, and suppliers will approach you to sell smaller hand-held devices and help your clients achieve their own at-home exfoliation, skin rejuvenation and skin improvement, however, are these the best long-term solution for your clients and is your aim to train them to achieve inferior results while replacing your services? While it is important to educate your clients on useful tips, be mindful that your guidance does not lead them to ultimately replace you and your expertise by doing everything themselves?  Think about this…

So, what is the alternative?  

I would like to make three recommendations here:

  1. EDUCATE: Review their skin condition and invest in educating your clients on how the active ingredients in their skincare products will benefit their skin condition.  Research your ingredients and provide them will educational fact sheets on why your skincare will work for them.  Let the “telling” do the selling.  This is a great opportunity for you to allow your client to value your knowledge that you will share with them.

    Currently, in the US many of the cosmetic medical clinics are educating their clients on the benefits of Retinol in skin rejuvenation.  They are also providing them with stronger formulations as with the lockdown their clients are less likely to be outdoors and exposed to the sun and while indoors, without the help of their in-clinic solutions their skin can greatly benefit from a stronger serum or a high percentage retinol formula.  

    APJ Journal is renowned for its in-depth research article on ingredients.  I have written an excellent article on The Benefits of Retinol, published in the Autumn issue of APJ 2015 that covers some excellent information on how Retinol benefits the skin.  If you would like to access it I am pleased to send you a copy, just email me at and request a copy. It is just the Word Document so you can use parts of the article to include in your interaction with your clients.

    You should also reach out to your skincare supplier and request any scientifically-based data on the active ingredients in their skincare so that you can educate your clients at this time.

    Alternatively, you can contact APAN as we are happy to check our archives and provide you with an article to help you in this regard.  We are also working on a new website dedicated exclusively to APJ Journal articles as well as short courses to help you expand your knowledge.  This website will provide you with a valuable educational resource to step up your knowledge.  This is the time talk ingredients – how they work and why they are best for their skin. Just make sure that your content is evidence-based, backed by science, not a marketing pitch.  Credibility is important if you are to be appreciated as the expert your clients turn to for accurate information.
  2. INNOVATE:  Stress, in general, can contribute to dry, lifeless skin, not just on the face, but also on the body.  This is because fear, anxiety and stress, in general, activates the sympathetic nervous system to direct the blood away from the skin to the muscles supporting the body for “fight and flight”.  As a result, the skin on our body can become dryer and dull.  

    Why not introduce dry body brushing before the application of a body moisturiser.  This will not only stimulate the lymphatic system and supports the body’s immune system it will also remove dead skin cells allowing the moisturiser to work more efficiently.  Additionally, introduce a body spritzer or even use a facial skin toner sprayed onto the and body blended with the body moisturiser to enhance hydration and improve moisture retention.  Be innovative with what they already have purchased from you.  The aim is to extend the efficacy of how they use your product without feeling they can replace you in the process.  Give them a diagram of the lymphatic system and teach them to brush in the direction of the lymph nodes.  (see below).
  3. LET YOUR CARE BE GENUINE:  At this time when many are in lockdown a caring call can mean so much to your clients.  When phoning, pause and ask first about their wellbeing and take time to show genuine and sincere care.  This is precious time to build a caring relationship with your clients, which they will learn to value and appreciate.  It’s a new way of showing your care and consideration.  Don’t feel uncomfortable to ask them how they are coping – I can assure you it will be appreciated.  Build trust by offering value that is important to their wellbeing not just their skin. What is important is for your clients to not feel that every time you call them will be about selling them something.  Let your education gently lead to any additional purchases.


Many of these issues will also be shared on the APAN Facebook Page.  We have also introduced a new Group on Facebook – The Aesthetics and Wellness Alliance.  Please like and join us and share with us your thoughts and needs.  

Keep in touch and look out for our next issue that will be in your inbox next Tuesday when we will be discussing some incredible research on the amazing benefits on the Vagus Nerve and how to activate it to improve health, energy and immunity.

Until next time, stay well and keep safe.

Standing with you.

Tina Viney
Chief Executive Officer
Aesthetics Practitioners Advisory Network

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