Image for Happy Pi Day and the Golden Ratio of Beauty

Happy Pi Day and the Golden Ratio of Beauty

March 15, 2023

Can you give a number to beauty?

The answer is yes – it is roughly 1.62 and it is called the Golden Ratio of beauty!

This ratio originated from the mathematical concept known as Pi. But did you know that traditionally Pi Day is celebrated this month, specifically on the 13th of March, so let’s take a look at these concepts.

Succinctly, pi which is written as the Greek letter for p, or π—is a mathematical measurement that has been used for over 4000 years by both the Babylonians and Egyptians who had rough numerical approximations of the value of pi.

Later mathematicians in ancient Greece, particularly Archimedes, improved on those approximations. Regarding architecture, pi relates to the circumference of the circle.

For example, if you divide the circumference of the circle by the diameter, you will get approximately 3.14 no matter what size circle you drew.

A larger circle will have a larger circumference and a larger radius, but the ratio will always be the same. If you could measure and divide perfectly, you would get 3.141592653589793238…, or pi.

How does Pi apply to Beauty?

The Golden Ratio is the mathematical symmetry algorithm based on PI that underlines our perception of attractiveness, which is considered to be 1.62.

The Italian Renaissance polymath, Leonardo Da Vinci, used the Golden Ratio equation and realised that the closer a face or object gets to this number, the higher the level of its perceived beauty. In fact, Leonardo is thought to have used the golden ratio when painting the Mona Lisa!

Studies of the most beautiful women in the world have shown that they have countless instances of this ratio on their faces.

This proves symmetry to be a key factor in perceived attractiveness, especially in female faces.

Why is the Golden Ratio important?

Some scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be healthier. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to find it beautiful.

Others think that we tend to perceive a face as more aesthetically appealing when it features the Golden Ratio because the human eye can process it faster and that causes our brain to feel ‘pleased’.

The Golden Ratio is not just observed in humans, but it is also used in architecture and artwork.

It also occurs in nature, in the patterns we sometimes see in sunflowers, pinecones, seashells and other plants and animals.

How is the Golden Ratio calculated?

The Golden Ration is often measured by plastic surgeons or practitioners who work with cosmetic injectables, using the Golden Ration formula to devise a specific treatment plan.

They measure and divide the length and width of the face with the ideal result as defined by the Golden Ratio is roughly 1.62.

This method works particularly well when correcting a patient’s visible facial asymmetry, such as one eyebrow higher than the other, or one cheek fuller than the other.

One other thing to consider when calculating the Golden Ratio is certain facial measurements, such as the distance between the mouth and nose. The width of the mouth and nose tends to expand with age.

In addition, with age, our face tends to lose volume and the skin loses elasticity, often becoming saggy. This means that with time, even faces that were previously considered symmetrical tend to deviate from the Golden Ratio.

How aesthetic treatments can help you achieve the Golden Ratio

Thanks to the latest advancements in facial aesthetic treatments, today it is possible to restore your proportions closer to the Golden Ratio and rejuvenate older features.

Asymmetries and effects of the ageing process can be easily corrected with a different combination of treatment options, usually including dermal fillers and botulinum toxin.

A bespoke treatment can be determined with balancing effects being achieved via fillers.

There are several non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can help rejuvenate the look and feel of the face, without dramatically changing the natural features.

Some of these treatments include:

Face Shape Sculpting

  • Many people do not like their facial shape
  • Feeling it is too round, too square, or spoilt by asymmetrical features.
  • Cosmetic injections can also be used to help move the shape of the faces towards the desired shape using dermal fillers and wrinkle treatments to add volume and structure while being guided by the Golden Ratio.

Cheek Sculpting

  • Cheek fillers can also bring the face into balance by making the cheekbones more prominent.
  • Can give an instant, razor-sharp definition, and a natural-looking, youthful appearance.
  • The treatment also smooths the nose-to-mouth lines, effectively lifting the entire face.

Chin Sculpting

  • Chin Sculpting is another popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure
  • This is an excellent and affordable option for patients with a weak and/or small chin, or a chin with irregularities, who want to avoid surgery to achieve facial symmetry.
  • Can also change the contour of the face by balancing facial features.

The Brow Lift

  • Low brows can make the eyes look heavy, while higher, defined yet natural-looking brows have the opposite effect.
  • Our eyebrows are genetically determined, but in the hands of skilled practitioners, they can enhance one’s natural shape to create an immediate, fresher, younger look.

Effective tools that can deliver excellent results in improving facial symmetry include

  • Restorative cosmetic dentistry
  • Facial aesthetic treatments and aesthetic medicine
  • Non-surgical cosmetic procedures
  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments.

What about Makeup?

While makeup is only a temporary tool in correcting symmetry, the Golden Radio can still be used to enhance and create the illusion of balance through shading and highlighting of the features guided by the 1.62 ratio.

On the other hand, in today’s world where beauty is being defined by new rules, there are those who are throwing the rule book out and celebrating beauty under more emotive guidelines.

As they say, “beauty can be in the eyes of the beholder”

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