Image for Three Winning Strategies to Elevate Staff Performance

Three Winning Strategies to Elevate Staff Performance

September 19, 2023

In the competitive world of aesthetics, impeccable quality service isn’t just desired, it’s the primary expectation that consumers now demand. But did you know that the core of this service quality lies in your staff’s performance?

Andy Heyne, CEO of Millionaire Salon Coach unravels this further.

Having run several successful salons, Andy knows what it takes to achieve business success. Below he shares three winning strategies that are central to achieving and maintaining highly productive staff performance.

How employee performance impacts business growth

Client satisfaction

  • Have you ever experienced a service where the practitioner’s expertise was so evident that it not only delivered exceptional results but also contributed to an incredible experience?
  • That’s the magic of skilled performance! In the aesthetics industry, this directly correlates to client satisfaction, and trust and ultimately, contributes to their loyalty to your business.

Contributing factor in referrals and business growth

Consider the following – a satisfied client not only returns but also is happy to introduce others to your business.

  • This word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow a business
  • This is powered by top-notch employee performance, and if you can achieve this, it will not only translate to pure gold for business growth but it can also be achieved organically.
  • So, let’s look at three key strategies you can implement to raise your staff’s performance.

Strategy 1

Continued training and skills development

Embracing new skills and techniques

The beauty industry is ever-evolving. By ensuring your staff is updated with the latest techniques, you’re not just staying relevant; you’re also staying ahead of the curve.

This includes keeping your team up-to-date and confident in cross-servicing and effective retailing.

What sales training do you provide your team? Your training should be consistent and should include the following

  • Communication skills
  • Product demonstration training
  • Effective closing strategies
  • How to overcome client objections without being pushy.

Think of it like sharpening a knife. Regular training refines the skills, ensuring precision with each cut, or in this case, each service and interaction!

Strategy 2

Employee incentive programs

The power of reward-based systems

  • Remember when you were a child, how impactful it was when you were rewarded for a job well done?
  • This is still considered one of the most effective universal strategies for motivating others.  Incentives can supercharge employee motivation!
  • It’s important to note that for your incentives and rewards to work, they must connect with your staff on a personal and intrinsic level, this will motivate them to improve their performance as they will value the personal benefit to their life.

Incentives are very important. If you examine any high-performing business, you will, often discover that they will have a robust incentive program in place.

Rewards, be they monetary or recognition-based, can elevate performance levels exponentially. Knowing what inspires your team to wake up and get dressed every day at their core is crucial here.

Strategy 3

Building a strong team culture

The importance of team cohesion

You know that age-old saying, “United we stand, divided we fall”? A united team ensures a streamlined operation that fosters a happy, coherent and productive work environment.

  • You can also create team power, by including them to contribute to the business’s future growth planning. People feel valued when they are invited to contribute and be part of something much bigger than themselves. 
  • While team contribution is powerful, you will need to have the right people in your team to achieve this.

Creating an environment of mutual respect

In a world brimming with competition, an environment where every opinion is valued, and every effort acknowledged can make the difference between a good and a great team.

  • Gain permission to hold your team accountable to their daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals.
  • This will foster mutual respect at the highest level. Accountability is one of the cornerstones of building a high-performing team.

Use technology to further enhance performance

Utilising performance-tracking tools

  • Gone are the days of manual tracking.
  • Modern tools provide real-time insights into staff performance, ensuring timely feedback and improvements.
  • We use a semi-automated spreadsheet to track each team member’s performance alongside all the clinics.
  • These spreadsheets are transparent, and the team can see them at any point. We also use these in our performance reviews. There is no need for smoke and mirrors.  It is important to be completely transparent!

Measuring and monitoring performance metrics

Numbers don’t lie! By keeping a close eye on key performance metrics, your businesses can pinpoint areas of improvement and tailor strategies accordingly.

  • Elevating staff performance in aesthetic businesses isn’t just about enhancing skills; it’s about creating an ecosystem where excellence thrives. Adopt these strategies and watch your business touch unparalleled heights.

If you wish to improve your staff’s performance, you will need to implement a proven system and the support of your team in their accountability. 

Once you master these strategies you can transition your staff not just to amazing productivity, but also create a rewarding work environment that they will be proud to be part of.

If you would like to discuss your business needs, book a free introductory consultation with Andy and discover if his coaching approach is a right fit for you.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

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