Image for APAN Introduces an Industry-First. Extended Value to its Conference Program!

APAN Introduces an Industry-First. Extended Value to its Conference Program!

July 31, 2023

APAN Adds New extended value to its online Conference Program creating another industry first!

Greater value for existing and new registrations post the live event. You can now watch the live program plus bonus speakers and videos.

Following the great success of APAN’s new conference format this year, a new development is now allowing industry professionals to access both the lectures, as well as the workshops through the online program which will be available until the end of September. 

You can now view the program

The advantage of the APAN Conference model is that it allows you to view a broad spectrum of educational topics through the video recording at your own pace as the program is accessible online until the end of September (depending on when you join).

Register today for the online program as you can now also view the workshops at no additional cost.

View the program here if you don’t have a code please check your spam and also social sections of your email or please reach out to and we will send you an email.

SCHEDULE: If you view the Schedule this will give you the lectures that were presented on the 14th and 15th of July at the live event.

TOPICS:  The topics bar will bring up all the topics and speakers both those presented in the Schedule, as well as an additional 14 videos that were only available online.

There are over 30 videos available

WORKSHOPS: The workshops are 12, however, the last one did not feature as the presenter was ill and had to leave the event. These will be up soon, we will notify you when they are up.

You have two months to immerse yourself at your own pace in the industry’s richest educational program.


Why watch ONLINE?

Why Watch Online?

  1. Global Accessibility: Access the conference from anywhere in the world, eliminating the need for travel expenses and time constraints.
  2. Flexible Schedule: Attend sessions at your convenience with on-demand replays, allowing you to balance work, personal commitments, aesthetics, and beauty routines.
  3. Cost-effective: Enjoy a budget-friendly option with reduced registration fees, no accommodation costs, and zero travel expenses.
  4. Customized Experience: Tailor your conference journey by selecting the sessions that align with your interests, aesthetics, beauty goals, and learning objectives.
  5. Safe and Secure: Prioritize your health and well-being by participating in a COVID-safe environment from the comfort of your home or beauty clinic.
  6. Unlimited Replays: Catch up on missed sessions and review valuable content at your pace, enhancing knowledge retention and incorporating new beauty trends.
  7. Continuing Education: Earn 40 CPD points conveniently by attending sessions online, adding value to your professional development and aesthetics expertise.

Not too late to register

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