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Rebranding For Success In Your Business

April 29, 2022

As COVID-19 introduced permanent changes in consumer behaviour the necessity to review and update our goals and how we do business may require that we conduct a business reassessment. As a result, it is considered a prudent exercise that every business owner re-examines their branding and consider potential updates to their current goals and strategies.

While the term “branding” for some may appear somewhat of a corporate statement, in fact, it is a flexible term that can have several simple definitions. 

In essence, your brand is the key design and your point of differentiation that sets you apart from your competitors.  Another definition articulated by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon is, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”.

On the other hand, Dave Kerpen, author of “Likeable Social Media”, defines branding as the representation of your organisation as a personality. “Branding is who you are that differentiates you.”

Changes in consumer expectations

To develop or to update your brand your decision to implement any changes should be based on identified changes in expectations, both with your existing clients, as well as your potential new clients.  Look closely for any shifts in what is now a priority with your audience, this includes shifts in their values.

Do they now have a greater focus on stress management or improving their wellbeing, sustainability or the environment?

Is your message in sync with their mindset?

Understanding any shifts in what is important to them, will allow you to make the necessary adjustment to your brand’s position in the market and will ensure that the mission and values of your organisation are in harmony with your target audience.

Knowing exactly who you are as a business allows you to design a branding strategy that reflects a set of values. This will make it easier for you to capture your audience’s focus, ensuring that your message comes across clearly to the intended recipients.

Rebranding does not need to be complicated.  It can be as simple as changing your mission statement.  Introducing new ways of greeting your clients, a fresh new logo design, or even introducing an additional service that provides a more nurturing element to your offerings. 

If you are an APAN member and would like to gain an objective perspective or expert support when reviewing your branding, please contact us to book a time for a zoom or phone consultation with our Ceo Tina Viney.

Ph: 07 55930360 or email to enquire

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