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Persistence Pay’s Off

February 1, 2022

Financial support has been approved for NSW businesses who are impacted by Omicron

Several of our NSW business owners have been under stress as Omicron cases have impacted their businesses and created uncertainty.

APAN has lobbied the NSW Government to secure financial relief and today we are delighted to announce the launch of the NSW Government Business Support Program which will be open for your applications from mid-February.

 The NSW government has announced a $1 billion support package for businesses hit hard by the Omicron.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said the government had the back of every business and worker in the state.

“No other jurisdiction, no other state to date has provided financial support except NSW,” Mr Perrottet told reporters on Sunday.

What you can Exspect

The package includes a payment of up to $5000 per week, or 20 per cent of payroll, for businesses with a turnover between $75,000 and $50 million who suffered a 40% downturn in January, and project to do the same in February 2022.  The 40% downturn must be compared to January 2021 or 2020.

Businesses must maintain their employee headcount from the date that the scheme has been announced.

What about sole traders?  They will receive $500 per week that will be paid as a lump sum of $2000.

Additionally, the Small Business Fees and Charge rebate program will be extended to $3000 and will include 50% of the costs of implementing the Rapid Antigen Test in the workplace.

The other good news is that your commercial landlord relief has now been extended to March 13.

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean said the support package will help businesses “get through to the other side”.

“When we get out of this wave, we expect a snapback and that the economy will bounce back better on the other side of this,” Mr Kean said.

Federal Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said the NSW package was in addition to $63 billion in assistance already provided to the state by the Morrison government.

“We welcome states and territories putting in their bit on top of the billions of federal support that we have provided,” he told reporters on Sunday.

While this package may not meet everybody’s needs it will provide some relief and help doors to stay open for many salons and clinics. What is important is to raise client confidence to feel safe in returning for their treatments.

Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox expressed concerns about the self-imposed lockdown by many in the community. Hopefully, as we are reaching herd immunity a level of confidence for consumers and business owners will return.

Innes Willox stated that health authorities should stop reporting daily virus statistics because the “increasingly unreliable” data makes the community uneasy about returning to normal life.

We encourage all businesses to move forward and stay focused on their plan for recovery.  APAN is here to help so please contact me us if you require further support.

Contact APAN on 07 55930360.

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