Image for Update for Salons and Clinics in Queensland

Update for Salons and Clinics in Queensland

December 15, 2021

New Public Health and Social Measures commencing on December 17th

I have just had a one-hour conversation with the Queensland Department of Health and they have provided me with details that pertain to our industry. 

As of the 17th December persons classified as beauty or dermal therapists, cosmetic tattooists, massage therapists or spa therapists will not be required to be vaccinated nor will their clients.  If they prefer to introduce a vaccination requirement, businesses will be entitled to do so, but this will not be a mandated requirement.  However, if you are employed or operate within a medical or cosmetic medical clinic, you will be required to be vaccinated in line with the medical mandated health order.


While it will not be compulsory for you to be vaccinated or your clients, you will be required to comply with the following:

  • All clients must scan your QR Code upon entry.
  • You will need to comply with the infection control measures as indicated in the COVID SAFE CHECKLIST.  You all should have this in place if you don’t, please urgently contact APAN and we will email it to you.
  • Clients must maintain 1 person per 2-square metres for areas open to your visitors.

In other words, if you have two people in the reception area, they will need to comply with the 2-square meters rule.  This does not apply to you and the clients only to guests in the waiting area.

Following our lengthy discussion with Queensland Health, I requested documented evidence of these rules, so please find the link below if you wish to reference it for yourself. You will need to scroll down until you reach SCHEDULE 1B: Unvaccinated persons may enter – and other requirements as this are the section that relates to our services. Click here for the link

We also provide you with further information that we received:

Movement and gatherings

Up to 100 people can gather in homes. No limit for people gathering
in public spaces.

Indoor funerals and wedding ceremonies: One person per 2m2 or
200 people or 100% allocated seated and ticketed capacity (whichever
is the greater).

Indoor premises: One person per 2m2 or 100% allocated seated and
ticketed capacity (e.g. restaurants, cafés, pubs, clubs, museums,
art galleries, places of worship and convention centres) with the COVID Safe Checklist.
> Eating or drinking while standing allowed.
> One person per 2m2 for short-term accommodation (including hostels,
B&Bs and short-term rentals) with the COVID Safe Checklist. Density
requirements do not apply in sleeping areas.

> One person per 2m2 at indoor play areas with the COVID Safe Checklist.
Self-service food: No restrictions.

> 100% allocated seated and ticketed for stadiums.
> 100% allocated seated and ticketed capacity for indoor events
or 1 person per 2m2 indoors.
> No restrictions on outdoor events.

Ticketed venues: 100% capacity with allocated seating (e.g. theatre,
live music, cinemas, indoor sports, universities, and other higher
education institutions).

Dancing: can occur anywhere at any venue (indoor and outdoor), subject
to the one person per 2m2 rule.

Community sport: No restrictions.

Masks no longer need to be worn in Queensland, except when at an airport, on a domestic or international flight departing or arriving in Queensland, as agreed by National Cabinet. Everyone is encouraged to carry and wear a mask when physically distancing is not possible, for example on public transport.

Check the link for further details

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