Image for Do you have Shopify? Facebook Shops is now Integrated.

Do you have Shopify? Facebook Shops is now Integrated.

May 6, 2021

There are many salons and clinic owners who use Shopify to sell their products online. You may have built an online shop to display your goods and/or services, but you have previously been unable to incorporate your online store with Facebook and Instagram shops. That is about to change.

The app’s integration with Shopify, a subscription-based software that allows everyone to set up an online store and sell their items, will be one of the most significant changes on Facebook 2021. Customers outside of Shopify will now use Shop Pay for the first time.

This means that all Shopify merchants who sell on Facebook and Instagram will now deliver Shop Pay as a quick and safe check-out payment option. When a customer uses Shop Pay for the first time, their information is encrypted and saved for subsequent orders, which results in more time spent buying fewer empty carts, and less time spent filling out forms.

Shopify recently conducted a study of 10,000 of their largest merchants with Shop Pay enabled. They discovered that checkouts processed through Shop Pay have an average checkout-to-order rate of 1.72x higher than those processed through regular checkouts. That conversion rate jumps to 1.91x on mobile.

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