Image for Conference Frenzy – So Many To Choose From

Conference Frenzy – So Many To Choose From

February 2, 2021

This year we will see more and more conference programs emerging both online and face-to-face.  We know that we are all over webinars, as we have been bombarded in the social media space with so many of them, but let us not confuse this with a well-executive conference program.

With so many changes happening in our world it is important that we prioritise to sit back and receive a quality education that will allow us to make wise choices. Here are some areas that are important to consider:

  • Should I be expanding my scope of practice and include new modalities? 
  • Am I fully aware of the changes in consumer behaviour?
  • Can I upgrade my business tools to save time and improve efficiency?
  • Can I benefit from an objective educational experience?
  • Do I need to be refreshed and inspired to identify a new approach to what I do?

As an astute business owner or practitioner on-going learning is contingent on your survival and your success.  Do not confuse an educational conference program just because it is delivered online, with a webinar.

As we prepare for our 2021 APAN AESTHETIC CONFERENCE event, to be launched on the 28-29 June, we are responding to the feedback we received from our last year’s event.

While we understand that a face-to-face event has its advantages, such as meeting up with other like-minded professionals and business owners, establishing valuable connections with colleagues, speaking face-to-face with suppliers, touch and feel a product or device, and just getting out of your normal routine for a time of inspiration, learning and a chance to enjoy someone else looking after you. The perks are many! But let’s now compare the online environment:

You can relax and access probably more speakers than at a live event without the need to travel, park, hotel bills, and flight expenses. You can pause and replay if you wish to capture more details from the speaker.  One of the key positive feedback of our online conference is that delegates loved the fact that they could go back and take further notes from a segment that was of benefit to them, something that could not be done with a live event.  You can choose the time to even view the sessions when it best suited to your needs and your agenda.  Additionally, the costs are much less than a live event and your staff can also access the program at a fraction of the cost of a live event.  Additionally, the APAN online conference will be once again available for repeat viewing for up to 30 days, giving you plenty of time to go through all the sessions at your own pace.  It also offers 10 CPD Points for those who need it for their professional registrations.

While we are planning our online event in June, we also scheduled to feature a live conference on September 27th for a face-to-face event for members and friends to get together.

Whatever, your choice, make sure you prioritise a conference program this year. You owe it to yourself to invest in your own professional development and gain new knowledge and inspiration – your staff and your clients are counting on it. Identify your needs and review what each event will offer you, then make a quality decision to benefit from the right fit for you.

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