Why Refining your Skills of Persuasion is Replacing Sales Strategies
15 January 2025
With the exponential growth in demand for cosmetic procedures, there is also an increase in dysmorphia among individuals who have a distorted view of their appearance and are seeking ongoing cosmetic medical procedures to their detriment.
Following extensive industry consultation AHPRA has issued new Guidelines for registered medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery and cosmetic procedures effective from 1 July 2023. The objective of the regulatory guidelines is to safeguard consumer safety.
Please note: While these guidelines do not apply to non-surgical dermal or aesthetic practitioners, as well as cosmetic injectors, however, if you are referring a client or patient for a surgical procedure.
You will be required to ensure that the practitioner is fully compliant with the new regulation, or in the event of misadventure, you may be liable under vicarious liability.
Assessment of patient suitability
The new regulations will require that all patients seeking cosmetic surgery must have a referral, preferably from their usual general practitioner or if that is not possible, from another general practitioner or other specialist medical practitioner. The referring medical practitioner must work independently of the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery and must not perform cosmetic surgery or non-surgical cosmetic procedures themselves.
The medical practitioner who will perform the surgery must discuss and assess the patient’s reasons and motivation for requesting the surgery including external reasons (for example, a perceived need to please others) and internal reasons (for example, strong feelings about appearance). The patient’s expectations of the surgery must be discussed to ensure they are realistic.
Patients should be asked if another practitioner has declined to provide them with cosmetic surgery.
The medical practitioner who will perform the surgery must assess the patient for underlying psychological conditions such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which may make them unsuitable candidates for the surgery.
The practitioner doing the assessment must use a validated psychological screening tool to screen for BDD. The process and the outcome of the assessment and screening must be documented in the patient’s record, for all patients seeking cosmetic surgery.
If screening indicates that the patient has significant underlying psychological issues which may make them an unsuitable candidate for the cosmetic surgery, they must be referred for evaluation to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or general practitioner who works independently of the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery.
The medical practitioner who will perform the surgery must discuss other options with the patient, including surgery, procedures, or treatment offered by other health practitioners and the option of not having the surgery.
A medical practitioner must decline to perform the surgery if they believe that it is not in the best interests of the patient.
These measures are clearly aimed at eliminating the delivery of in discriminatory cosmetic procedures from individuals who may be experiencing psychological issues and should not be treated on demand.
Patient consultation type and timing – Number and type of consultation
When consent can be given
Key guidelines at-a-glance