Image for Melbourne lockdown: Apan’s contribution, The fight for you continues

Melbourne lockdown: Apan’s contribution, The fight for you continues

June 11, 2021

The Melbourne lockdown has once again raised its ugly head causing extensive distress to so many business owners.Our position is and has always been to pursue a preventative solution. In support of businesses, we have approached the Victorian Government with letters and phone conversations with the following:

  • Minister for Health Martin Foley
  • Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton
  • Shadow Health Minister Georgie Crozier

In both our letters and our interactions, we stressed the devastating impact that the lockdown measures are having on Victorian business owners, both financially and in escalating mental health issues urging the Government to review our proposal for a more reasonable solution. 

We stressed that even though as of Friday, some restrictions have been eased, however facial services cannot operate if masks are required to be continuously warned by their clients, even though these services are performed within a one-on-one enclosed treatment area and following strict infection control measures.  In essence, this measure prohibits most of our businesses from operating.

To provide a solution we proposed a review through a simple change in protocol that would not compromise safety measures, while protecting business viability to salons and clinics who have completed infection control qualifications and are abiding by strict COVID SAFE safety measures.  Our suggestions were as follows:  

  1. All staff must wear masks and adhere to infection control measures including personal and environmental sanitation.
  2. Clients who enter the business must wear masks.
  3. Consultation between practitioner and client be conducted following 1.5m social distancing measure.
  4. Treatment room must only include the client and the practitioner.
  5. Once in the treatment room and on the treatment bed the practitioner may remove their mask for the duration of the treatment.
  6. If the client wishes to speak during that time, they can raise their hand and the practitioners moves 1.5 mts for this communication to occur.
  7. At all times, the practitioner must wear a mask and gloves and follows personal and environmental infection control measures.
  8. Following the completion of the treatment the practitioner reapplies the mask on the client before they leave the room.

We believe that this simple amendment to the requirements would allow facial services to be provided while still maintaining strict infection control measures.

Next week, we will be following through with further discussions and while we may not achieve an immediate outcome our aim is to continue to relentlessly push for an urgent workable solution that can bring a halt to these disruptive measures.


If you are a Victorian business, we are slashing the price for you to register for the APAN AESTHETIC CONFERENCE by $100. At this present time, you need to review your status and explore new possibilities.  We are confident that our upcoming conference, which will be launched at the end of this month, will provide you with incredible value, elevate your confidence and inspire you through its rich educational content. 

Why not immerse yourself in a positive environment and gain insight into what is happening to our industry globally?  Discover the amazing opportunities that still exist for you to explore beyond the current crisis.

If you are a Victorian business or therapist, you can register on our website  We have programmed our system to recognise you through your area code and automatically discount your registration by $100.

This is a fully certified 37 speaker program with local and international experts that we guarantee will transform your perspective and give you new hope, new ideas, and a winning mindset to face the future.  The whole program of 37 presentations can be viewed online in your own time that best suits you and will be available for 30 days giving you time to pace your viewing and revisit segments that are of particular interest to you.

We want you to know that we care for you as the fight for you continues.

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