Image for How to Stay Resilient in a World in Crisis

How to Stay Resilient in a World in Crisis

August 11, 2020

IF YOU ARE LIKE ME, the phrase “unprecedented times” has been persistently ringing in my ears over the past few months.  The current pandemic has created a global shift in consciousness that is both remarkable, and unsettling challenging not just our health and sanitation practices, but also our values and priorities as individuals, business owners and as a society. It seems that just when we thought we were moving forward we are presented with a second wave of infection that we must deal with. Whether we are in Melbourne or in another state the effect on our morale and confidence is still impacted. Yet, it’s in times like these that we discover the power of resilience and how it can anchor us during life’s storms.

At our recent online Aesthetic Conference, we reviewed the latest trends that will shape consumer behaviour over the next 10 years. These are important statistics that we need to base our plans on when moving forward – I will share some of this data in the next report in this newsletter, but to start off I want to point out three important metrics for you to consider when establishing your future direction. So, here is some food for thought. 

  1.  Prioritise your own wellbeing

If there is a time when you cannot take your own wellbeing for granted it is at this time.  It is important to clearly define your values and what is important to you in terms of your personal survival that includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Implement a clear strategy on how you will achieve this – this is critical to your survival.

Monitor what you read and ponder on, limit social media time, especially the regurgitated negativity and “doom and gloom” reports as these will come in waves, as will facing mental health issues with those you are associating with, including your clients. Compassion is so important at this time however our care and compassion will only benefit others and ourselves if it comes from a place of inner strength and wholeness. To achieve this, we will need to take care and protect our own wellbeing first, before we can effectively take care of others. 

Personally, I have had to make major changes in my life in order to remain resilient.  I have established a routine that is easy to implement as I have come to realise that protecting my mind and health are important starting points before I can effectively support others.  Neuroscience confirms that what we dwell on will shape our behaviour and impact our future.  This is a time to vigilantly prioritise and implement our own survival strategy for our wellbeing.

Mental and emotional agility comes from having a clear understanding of our values, what we stand for and establishing goals on what we want from our life, our business and our profession.  An important survival tactic is to have clarity on who you are while aiming to operate from a place of your own strengths so that the pressures do not overtake you. 

Who are you and how can you make a difference in your world through activities that utilize your highest values?  Gain clarity about your true identity and live your values with intentionality.

  • Review the current consumer behaviour

The marketplace is changing and studies point to a shift in consumer behaviour.  Gain clarity on these changes then bases your decisions with regard to your services, products, physical and online communication with messages that resonate with the new consumer behaviour, that way, you can achieve stronger connections, both for new and existing clients.

Will you need to add new modalities to your offering? Can you service these yourself or could you introduce these services through a contractual approach with other professionals?  Allow the research data to guide you in your planning for the future so what you build is based on a sound and credible foundation – this is not the time to take risks.

  • Where do you see yourself as a business?

What is your current business model and is it working for you? Are you seeking to grow, or do you wish to downsize? There are no wrong or right answers as they are all relevant to your reality.

At this stage, it is important not to be driven by what others are doing.  Be authentic and decide your own destiny.

Commit to following the path that is meaningful to you and whatever you do, make sure it allows you to be true to yourself.  Do what you do with true purpose and intentionality and show up in every moment like you were meant to be there, as this will be one of the main ingredients to your success at this time.

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