Image for January Report

January Report

January 21, 2020

Dear valued colleagues and friends

I HAVE only just returned to Australia from the US where I joined my family for the Christmas break and I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and may the new decade ahead bring you the very best in your personal and professional lives.  

Thank you also for your support and for allowing us to provide you with credible industry updates, regulations and high-quality educational conference programs.  APAN’s mission is to strive to defend and protect your needs, as well as offering you quality education that can allow you to move forward with new advances with safety and confidence through sound education.

While we are all devastated and heartbroken with the tragic outcomes of the bushfires and the drought that we have experienced and still experiencing, I am also encouraged to see the incredible community spirit that is shaping our nation and indeed, our industry.  APAN will be contributing 10% of all membership fee profits in the next six months to credible charities that are registered to accept funds in support of the recovery endeavours, while many of you are providing services and care in your own special way.

Sadly, there are several businesses that are APAN members that have been affected by the fires and the drought and as a community, we are looking at ways to coordinate and provide support to assist them in tangible ways.  There are several educators in our industry who are prepared to offer free training to businesses who have suffered as a result of these events by providing them with support and encouragement to move forward with new skills to help them recover. 

If this is you, or if you know of anyone who has suffered loss from these events please contact us and let us know your situation, as we are here to help you.  If you are able to provide employment to individuals who have lost their businesses please contact us, your support would be appreciated.

Recently, I viewed some stunning photos that truly moved me.  The photos were taken by nature photographer Murray Lowe who was walking through Dhurag National Park.  They captured early signs of life emerging across fire-ravished landscapes.  He was surprised to find patches of vibrant green grass bursting through the grey ash and rose-coloured leaves sprouting through charred tree trunks. Even without any rain, life is bursting through the burnt bark from the heart of the trees as the life cycle begins again.  Nature has a way of fighting to survive! 

There is a lesson to be learned from this.  Despite hardships and tragedy, there is always a new day and a new beginning.  Let’s look for the silver lining in the clouds and stay resilient and optimistic.  As Nelson Mandela said, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got up again.”

“Do not judge me by my success. Judge me by how many times I fell down and got up again.” — Nelson Mandela

It is true, good times are there to nurture us and to be enjoyed, but it’s the hard times that allow us to become stronger and more resilient. 

This is a new decade.  As we reflect on the past and the lessons learned, it’s time to transition and step forward with courage and determination. Courage is doing something you are scared of despite your fears.  And it’s in times of sadness, loss, confusion and anger and fear that we search for how we can balance the negatives with the positives.  Courage is one of those.  It is courage that fuels us to stand up and give, and speak and act.  The ripple effect gives us hope and inspiration.  It also sparks the question: What is something you want to do, yet lack the courage to actually do it?  

This year, our educational conference programs will provide you with rich, new information, to help you gain the confidence to move forward despite (economic challenges) and achieve the level of success that you deserve.  Our programs will bring something new and fresh as they are put together with great thought, care, and expertise.  New advances are constantly providing us with endless possibilities for growth, but many also carry risk and this is why a solid educational foundation is essential to also ensure the safety of the consumer as well as your reputation.

As we are currently finalising our conference program, tell us: What is a topic that you would like covered this year?  Is there a workshop that will help you gain greater confidence in what you do?  We would seriously love to know.  Please send me an email or call me on 07 55930360.  I would love to hear from you. Please make sure it is no later than 10th February as we plan to finalise our conference speakers by then.

So, let’s get serious about 2020, as together we kick the fear to the curb and move forward with resilience and courage.

I want to hear from you and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events this year.  They will provide you with some powerful information.  I promise you!




HERE is an interesting recommendation from one of our lawyers.  When signing and dating legal documents, do not use 20 as the year 2020.  For example, 3rd March 2020, being written as 3/3/20 as this could be modified to 3/3/2017 or 3/3/2018. Protect yourself – do not abbreviate 2020. 

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